Learn how to achieve your highest level of health, wellness, and vitality! Take a look at my available homeopathy, holistic, and nutrition courses. Check back, as I am always creating more!

5 hours of instruction on how to choose homeopathic remedies at home, plus permanent membership in a course Facebook group.

Acute Homeopathy Course (Level 1)

Acute Homeopathy Course
Level 2 Homeopathy Course

Keep an eye out for this course, coming approximately March 2020!

Stephanie Newton, "H" School Founder and Wellness Consultant

Hi, I'm Stephanie Newton. I spent years learning (in and out of school) how to manage my own health and that of my families health...naturally! My educational background is in Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, and Homeopathy. Check out my courses where I teach you what I've learned and how to optimize your energy, wellness, and vitality using homeopathy, nutrition, and other holistic modalities! Find me on all social media: @holisticstephie

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